lundi 26 août 2013

Torch Your Fitness dolphin Belly Fat in Less than 15 Minutes a Day

Dolphin Fitness To burn belly fat, there are two things to do: Fitness muscles jumping dolphin and get the beating of your heart dolphin fitness. Adding the right cardio / abs workout for the upper body and leg workouts is a smart way to get in shape - not to mention burn those extra pounds around your belly. With just 15 minutes of cardio / abs day, you will be in great shape in no dolphin training time!

Very important Dolphin Fitness: Perform this routine high 15 minutes (no rest, no breaks), and you're sure to give your body an amazing workout that burns fat. Even if you do not go home, we will always help you burn fat - but not as fast as he could dolphin fitness.

The Grinder dolphin belly gym 15 minutes


The most beloved / hated all burgees years are simple and exhausting. Start with your feet together and your hands on the head dolphin fitness. Fold and place your hands on the floor and reach your feet when you're driving position Dolphin Gym. Hold for one second, and jump feet to your hands are valid. Repeat this exercise 30 times Gym dolphin dolphin fitness.

Attached in ascending

You have your heart condition burgees Gym Dolphin dolphin, it's time to focus on your heart. Get into the plank position push-up and stand on your hands for five seconds dolphin fitness. Once you get to five, turn without bending the elbow core - using only your arms to do so. Keep the elbow of the plate for five seconds and return to the dolphin table of regular exercise. To do this for 30 seconds in each position Dolphin Fitness, 60 seconds total dolphin fitness.

Gym squat jumps dolphins

It's time to get your heart works harder, so be prepared to squat dolphin facility. Bend your knees until you are in a squat right then straighten your legs and jump high in the gym dolphin air. To do this 25 times Gym dolphin and feel the lungs and legs burning dolphin fitness.

Superman / Banana

This works on the muscles of the face, back and abdomen, so it is a good basic training to help you get the heart-shaped fitness dolphin. Lie face down on the ground against, extend your arms and legs and lift your shoulders and knees on the floor to take the post of "Superman" with dolphin. Hold for a count of five, then turn around and take the position of "banana" - shoulders and feet on the floor, arms and legs outstretched. Hold for a count of five and then back to the position of "Superman" with dolphin. Change six times on each side for a total of 60 seconds Gym dolphin dolphin fitness.

Gym dolphins jump rope

It is time to get back on your feet and get your fitness heart Back Dolphin. Pull the rope skipping and jumping. Do not bother with jumps and stuff, but just jump at a decent speed for 90 seconds or 100 jumps (whichever comes first). Your legs will be on fire and dolphins breathe fitness lungs dolphin fitness.

Tucks Side Plank

During the past year, it is time to hit the sides of dolphins and fitness abs and get a little more cardio. Suppose that the position of the table and jump on their feet for hands - but put your feet on the left hand to hold the knees to the dolphin fitness chest. Back to plank position and jump right. For this, only 15 times on each side, and your lungs and heart burn dolphins Gym dolphin fitness.

Congratulations! He completed 15 minutes AB-grinding dolphins gym dolphin fitness, workout projection fat! To do this once a day (or a variant thereof), and you can say goodbye to belly fat in no time!

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